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Catherine's Secret Recipes


Terra sigilatta made and used according to the following method is Versatile, Quick and Cheap!  It also provides the artist with the opportunity to develop a personal palette--so your work doesn't look like everyone else's who buy the same commercial underglazes.

The beauty of this system is the wide variety of colors and surfaces available with limited raw materials and equipment. To eliminate the need for a gram scale and to simplify the mixing process, all color measurements are by volume.  

Using Terra Sigilatta links us with our oldest historical ceramic traditions.  It means "sealed earth" and was first used before glazes were invented as a way to seal containers containing liquids.  For some beautiful historical examples visualize the magnificent and Pre-Columbian Pottery.

Terra Sigilatta Base Recipe

  1. Add 14 lb. XX Sagger Clay or 7 lbs clay To 3 Gallons + 3 Quarts Hot Water or  1 Gal+3 Qts+1Pt Water.
  2. Drill up well in 5 Gallon Bucket until there are no lumps.
  3. Pour in slowly, while mixing, 2/3 cup ( or 1/3 ) sodium silicate, until
    consistency of mixture changes.
  4. Let sit for one week. (Heavy particles will settle to the bottom. Water will rise to the top. Siphon out fine particles in the middle.)

Color Palette All measurements are per 1 cup terra sigilatta base. Mix in a blender, or
better yet, use a hand mixer directly in the container.

  1. White: terra sigilatta base.
  2. Oxides: Green: 2 tsp. CrO2:
  3. Pale Orange: 1/2 tsp. Red FeO2. 
  4. Warm brown: 1 TBS. Red FeO2:
  5. Soft Mustard Gold: 1 TBS Rutile Mason Stains
  6. Dark grey/Black: 4 tsp black stain *(Z 560)
  7. Dark pink: 1 TBS. Deep Crimson*(#6006)
  8. Rich Purple: 1 TBS. Mulberry* (#6387)
  9. Teal: 1/2 TBS. Blue Stain* + 1/2 TBS. CrO2
  10. Rich Blue: 1 tsp.Mazarine Blue*(#6300) + 1/2 TBS. Delphinium Blue*(6308).
  11. US Pigment Yellow: 1 TBS. Strong Yellow*(#6440)

Brush on 2 coats on wet, leather hard, or dry greenware. If applied too thickly, flaking will occur.  To improve fit using refractory commercial stains, add 1/4 tsp Frit 3124 per cup terra sigilatta.  Bisque to Cone 04.  Keep stirring while using as the colors - whose particles are heavier that the terra sig. - will settle to the bottom of the container.
Experiment and create your own favorite range of colors.
Surface Treatments

  1. Before bisque, burnish with fingers, dry cleaning plastic, nylon stocking,
    chamois cloth, spoon or polishing stone.  Looks beautiful Sagger-fired.
  2. Non-fired patinas are good for sculptures:  After bisque apply MinWax, or
    clear shoe polish.
  3. Use as underglaze with Low fire clear glaze.  Fire to Cone o6.
  4. Can be Raku-fired under any Raku Clear Glaze.

Please contact me if you discover further possibilities.  Thank you.

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